Birth Chart Potential

Birth Chart Potential
Your Birth Chart shows all your inborn talents and limitations. This never changes in life, and there is nothing in any sciences or psychology that even comes close to understanding your true potential. 
The research we do with the Birth Charts of the greatest artists, athletes, musicians, composers, singers, mathematicians, scientists, writers, and philosophers, all confirm the validity of planetary aspects and human potential.
As soon as a baby is born, their Birth chart never changes, and it is up to us to nurture their highest potential and sublimate any negative traits.  Aggressive behavior in sports, obsessions with music as long as the talent is there.

If you want to find your child's potential, one of the best things you can do is get their Natal Report done.
This In-depth Personal Astrology Report shows the similarity of aspects between their chart and other successful people.

Your Indepth Natal Report applies to you all your life and shows all your talents and limitation.

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Many traits are hidden, and only a Birth Chart can shed light on true potential, e.g., Einstein didn’t speak till quite late.
Einstein’s Mercury was in Aries, usually a very impatient sign but quick to grasp the meanings and gives a strong mind. 
Saturn made a negative aspect to his Mercury, slowed his thinking and made him apply the knowledge and turned him into a genius. All his theories were straightforward, and he reduced the most complicated theories to their bare essentials. 
Mozart and Steve Jobs both had Mercury in Aquarius and always thought outside the box. Mozart improvised and was a genius when it came to music, and Steve Jobs was brilliant in his marketing.
Jules Verne also had Mercury in Aquarius and wrote about Journey to the Moon way before his time. All these people would have been considered eccentric and non-conformist, and they were, but they were also single-minded in pursuing excellence in their work. 
Steve Jobs wanted to help the masses and revolutionize communication.
I am sure he was also labeled an ADD child, as he had no patience with mediocrity.
Steve Jobs was, in fact, a college dropout who followed his dreams and ultimately changed the world and how everyone communicates.
Jobs also got an honorary doctorate!
Everybody has some talents, and it is much easier to discover and encourage their talents from a young age.  
Some children always do their homework and are very cautious, while others need to see results right away at every step otherwise, they get bored very quickly.
All this can be easily determined by getting their Birth Chart.




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Your contribution will make a direct impact on the lives of children and youth who go unnoticed as their talents are labeled as some challenge or even handicap.

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